At this stage, all Finals will be played at the LCNA courts.
A final Decision will be made by 9am if we are moving to Maclean Indoor Centre. Times will alter due to 1 court available. We will let you know more tomorrow.
If the games need to be moved indoors, this will necessitate time slot changes due to the indoor centre only able to accommodate one game per time slot.
Please follow our posts and we will continue to update throughout the week.
C1 Div 5 Breakers All Stars V Maclean Giants ( T Kane / E Maitz )
C2 Div 4 Maclean Magpies V Breakers Mermaids ( A Jones / Z Snape )
1: 20pm
C2 Div 1 Maclean Devils V Breakers 1 ( L Littlechild/E Maitz )
C4 Div 3 Breakers Jets V Ice Breakers ( J White / S Clifton )
C2 Div 2 Dream Breakers V Maclean Electrics ( A Snape/ A Jones)