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Our association provides competitive and social netball opportunities for all participants who want to play, umpire or coach, and welcome all ages and levels of experience and ability.

Our association values friendship, community spirit, teamwork and respect to all members – from our volunteers to our umpires and parents.

Our Volunteers and Life Members are active and engaged members in our organisation, and we are grateful and thankful for their outstanding contributions to the development of netball with us. Without their support we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!

Our Association

Our History

 Lower Clarence Netball Association was formed in 1982. Became Affiliated in 1986. Chris O'Connell Netball Complex was dedicated in 1990.

 Kay Smith Netball Building was dedicated in 2009. LCNA is entering its 44 year in 2025 All games are played at Chris O'Connell netball courts at Wherrett Park Rannoch Ave Maclean NSW 2463 


 LCNA Players played at the National/Professional Level

 2012 Nirvarna Makings Australian 16 and under school girls netball team. 

 2011  Nirvarna Makings NSW All Schools 15 and under netball squad,

 2010 Amanda Kerr & Abbie Weir NSW 15s State Talented Athletes Program 

 2005 Lauren Berger Sydney TAB Swifts Squad. 

 LCNA Players selected in Netball NSW State Cup Team 

 2024 Jazz Page - Training Partners Sienna Clifton & Olana Plunkett 

 2022 Molly Imeson  

 NCAS Players & Umpires                                                                      

 2024 Freya Meade (Player) 

 2024 Jessamine Motio Robson (Player) 

 2023 Jazz Page (Player) 

 2023 Olana Plunkett (Player) 

 2023 Lelani Reed (Player)

 2022 Eden Maitz (Umpire) 

 2020 Sienna Clifton (Player) 

 2020  Zali Bourke (Umpire)

 2018-2019 Melissa Bowley (Assistant Coach) 

 2018-2019 Carissa Miltiadou (Player) 

 2017 Lyteeka Currie (Player)

 2017 Alex Anderson-Bylos (Player) 

 2010-2012 Amanda Kerr(Player) 

 2010-2012 Nirvarna Makings (Player)

 2010-2012 Samatha Kerr (Player) 

 1993 Shelley Verstappen (Player) 

 1992-1993 Andrea Barnaby (Nikas) (Player)

 1992 Sharon Bromby (Player) 

 1990 Naomi Mortimer (Player) 

Shelly White

Shelly White


Amanda Bill

Amanda Bill

Vice President

Kiara Essex

Kiara Essex


Tania Kane

Tania Kane


Aneeka Jones

Aneeka Jones

Umpire Convenor

Haley Hodgson

Haley Hodgson

Coaching Convenor

Kym Clifton

Kym Clifton



Belinda Jones

Belinda Jones


Rep Convenor



Canteen Supervisor

Please contact LCNA if you are interested in this role.

Sarah Rossington & Letitia MacIver

Sarah Rossington & Letitia MacIver

Sports Council Delegate

Natalie Porter

Natalie Porter


Our Committee

Game Day Location

Thank you for contacting us. Someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

Contact Us

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